8:30 AM
Prayer Book
100 Balaclava Road
10:30 am
100 Balaclava Road
10:30 am
한국어 예배
100 Balaclava Road
6:00 PM
Less Formal Church
100 Balaclava Road
St Georges
Meetings are Live-streamed at the service time: English Services | Korean Services
St George’s has a church, hall (at rear of church), Treehouse (next to church) and Preschool (behind Hall). Each building has ramp entry options.
There is a limited number (7) of tight parking spots on site. Those requiring accessible parking/dropoff are encouraged to use these, or the tree parking directly in front of the site. Street parking is available on Balaclava Road, Lincoln Street, Raymond Street and Irene Cres (laneway access).
Public Transport:
The 545 bus (from Macquarie Centre or Eastwood Station) stops outside the church.
At St George’s Church
- 8:30am (in Church) is traditional in structure (Prayer Book), music (hymns) and style. Meetings last generally 1 hour.
- 10:30am English (in Church) is contemporary in style, music and language with a family feel. There are programmes for school age children and youth (during term time). Meetings are generally about 75 minutes long.
- 10:30am Korean (in Hall) is for people who speak Korean. Meetings are generally 90 minutes long. There are programmes for school age children and youth (during term time).
- 6:00pm (in Church) is contemporary in style and language with a less formal feel.
All of our services contain the elements of creed, prayer, Bible readings and sermon in the evangelical Anglican tradition.
The 10:30m services share a kids & youth program, and morning tea together after church.
- Hands, Masks, Distance: Hand sanitiser and masks are available.
- Ventilation: The building will be well ventilated – if the weather is cold rug up!
At our 10:30am services, everyone participates in the first half of the service together. In the second half, Kids & Youth move to age appropriate programs (conducted in English), while Adults remain in church for a Bible talk. All ages gather for morning tea together after church.
Our 6:00pm service is very popular with teenagers and young adults.
School Holidays: During the School Holidays we celebrate our intergenerational church family, with kids & youth participating for the entire service. These usually include simpler lyrics & liturgy, all age activities, and a shorter sermon (during which related activities are provided for children).
We know a first visit to church can be a bit daunting or confusing. So here’s what to expect…
- We’ll say hello when you arrive, after the service, and sometimes there’s an informal welcome time in the meeting.
- We’ll sing, usually two or three Christian songs during the service. Sing along if able or just listen.
- We’ll pray. Some prayers are in a book or on the screen; others are led from the front. Participate as you feel comfortable; you don’t have to pray out loud.
- We’ll hear updates on church news and upcoming events. There’s a newsletter, too.
- We’ll hear some passages from the Bible read.
- We’ll listen to a Bible talk (about 20 minutes).
Church services are generally last 1 hour. We’d love you to join us one Sunday.
We can’t think of a better place for you to learn about Jesus. Let us know where you’re up to in your exploration. No one will be pushy; we’re delighted to help.
Leaders are happy to offer resources or meet with you. You may like to join a Simply Christianity course, or even a small Bible study group. Just ask.
You won’t need to be familiar with the Bible to participate in our meetings. Most readings are onscreen, and are read aloud.
Nobody is going to be offended if you ask honest questions or raise issues (whatever they might be). And if you just want to attend for a while and find your feet, that’s great, too.
The majority of our income is voluntary contributions by church members (via a collection during the service or by electronic banking). Our main expenses are staff costs and building maintenance. We also encourage members to give to Christian mission agencies. We don’t receive any direct financial support from the wider Anglican church.
We don’t ask visitors to contribute financially; please feel no obligation to do so.
St Dunstans

All services and meeting are Live-streamed at the service time HERE
St Dunstan’s has a church and a hall (at the bottom of the carpark). Inside our church building we have wheelchair ramps between different floor levels.
There’s ample on-site parking, behind the church. We have two marked disabled spaces, one each in front of the church and the hall. There is street parking in Lovell Road, Colvin Crescent and Salter Crescent.
Public Transport:
The 518 bus (from either Macquarie Centre or Top Ryde) stops near Midway shops, and the church is only a 3 minute walk up Lovell Rd. The 544 bus (from either Macquarie Centre or Eastwood station) stops in Lovell Rd (Colvin Cres) right near the church.
At 114 Lovell Road, Eastwood
No weekly services are held at 114 Lovell Road, Eastwood at this time. We still use 114 Lovell Road for special events (i.e. Combined Services), and groups (i.e. Vine Youth).
All of our services contain the elements of creed, prayer, Bible readings and sermon in the evangelical Anglican tradition.
- Livestream if Unwell/Unsure: We’d love to see you in person, but please attend via Livestream (English or Korean) if unwell or showing any symptoms or have health concerns.
- Hands, Masks, Distance: Hand sanitiser and masks are available. Maintain social distance where possible.
- Ventilation: The building will be well ventilated – if the weather is cold rug up!
At our 10:30am services, Kids and Adults will be part of the first half of service together. In the second half, bible teaching is done in aged groups. Kids will go to Mac4Kids children’s program (conducted in English), while Adults will listen to an engaging bible talk. It will run until the end of the service.
Our 6:00pm service is very popular with teenagers and young adults. While it doesn’t have a children’s program, lounges & a room with an audio feed to the main hall are available for parents to use.
School Holidays: During the School Holidays we celebrate our intergenerational church family with All Age services at our 10:30am services. These usually include simpler lyrics & liturgy, all age activities, and a shorter sermon (during which related activities are provided for children).
We know a first visit to church can be a bit daunting or confusing. So here’s what to expect…
- We’ll say hello when you arrive, after the service, and sometimes there’s an informal welcome time in the meeting.
- Pending on the restriction level, we’ll sing, usually two or three Christian songs during the service. Sing along if able or just listen.
- We’ll pray. Some prayers are in a book or on the screen; others are led from the front. Just listen in; you don’t have to pray out loud.
- We’ll hear updates on church news and upcoming events. There’s a newsletter, too.
- We’ll hear some passages from the Bible read.
- We’ll listen to a Bible talk (about 25 minutes).
We’d love you to join us one Sunday.
We can’t think of a better place for you to learn about Jesus. Let us know where you’re up to in your exploration. No one will be pushy; we’re delighted to help.
Leaders are happy to offer resources or meet with you. You may like to join a Simply Christianity course, or even a small Bible study group. Just ask.
You won’t need to be familiar with the Bible to participate in our meetings. We have Bibles in the seats, and readers will give you page numbers for the readings.
Nobody is going to be offended if you ask honest questions or raise issues (whatever they might be). And if you just want to attend for a while and find your feet, that’s great, too.
If you’re visiting, not you! We don’t ask visitors to contribute financially; please feel no obligation to do so.
The majority of our income is voluntary contributions by church members (via a collection during the service or by electronic banking). Our main expenses are staff costs and building maintenance. We also encourage members to give to Christian mission agencies. We don’t receive any direct financial support from the wider Anglican church.
We’re an evangelical Anglican church with two sites in Eastwood, NSW.
Our focus is on knowing Jesus through the Bible.
Newsletter Sign-up
Sign up for news and information about ministries and activities at Macquarie Anglican.
Thank you!
Just one more step – check your inbox for our email and click on the link to confirm your subscription.
Contact Card
In addition to our Sunday gatherings, we have a range of
regular activities throughout the week…
English classes for adults. $2 each week, includes morning tea. Enrol at class.
10am Mondays in school term at
98 Balaclava Road, Eastwood.

MAC4Kids (age 3-yr5) & SALT Youth (yr6-8) meet for games, craft, song and learning about Jesus!
Sunday’s during 10:30am services.
100 Balaclava Rd, Eastwood.
Regular events for you to GetTogether with us! We’d love to see you at our next event!
We teach Anglican SRE for kids (K-6) at Denistone East, Kent Rd, Eastwood Heights & Smalls Rd Public Schools.
Contact your school office to enrol your child.
We are privileged to share our facilities with St George’s Preschool and St Dunstan’s Preschool. Tim visits regularly to read and sing about our Great Big God!
Good Friday 2025
18 April @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Easter Festival @ Kings Park
18 April @ 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Easter Sunday Services
20 April
“A friend of mine says that if you know the meaning of two words, you know our message, the Christian Gospel…”
Those words are “Jesus” (which means “God rescues”), and “Christ” (a title which means “God’s ruler”).
A person becomes a Christian when they accept these two things: that Jesus’ death on the first Good Friday was God’s way to rescue us from our sin, and that Jesus’ resurrection on the first Easter Sunday meant that God had placed him in charge of us all.
The first Christian sermon after the first Easter ended with: “God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ…repent and be baptised every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:36-38)
With this “repent and believe” response, many people changed their lives completely.
It’s the same for us – we’re all learning about following Jesus; please come and find out more. Take our short course: “Simply Christianity,” or join a small group. Maybe listen to a sermon here online or in church.
Simply Christianity
A short course to introduce or refresh the basics of Christian belief about Jesus – normally run each term. Relaxed atmosphere, questions welcome!
한국말 도우미가 함께 합니다 • 基督信仰简介学习小组英语授课并提供中文翻译
Small Groups
Small groups for adults and young adults are held at various times online each week.
We meet, read and study the Bible, pray together, and support each other. New members welcome!
Recent Sermons
Some have found “Two Ways to Live Opens in new window” another great summary.
Contact Staff
Our staff team support our many congregational leaders and members. To get in touch via one of our staff, simply click on their name (below) to send an email.

- Fergus Semler is our Senior Minister. He oversees the overall running of the church, and can be spotted at most congregations! He also has responsibility for our 6:00pm congregation.
- Tim Adams is our Families Minister. He has responsibility for the 10:30am English congregation as well as our various families’ ministries.
- Tae Yong Chong is our Korean Minister. He has a particular responsibility for the 10:30am Korean congregation, but also has some pastoral and teaching contact with our other congregations.

- Laura Tharion is our Women’s Minister (part time). She can usually be found at the 10:30am English congregation, with occasional appearances at other services. She is also involved in our various womens’ ministries.
- Gary Nicholson is our Minister Emeritus (volunteer). He was part of our congregation for many years, and is currently involved with ministry to seniors.
- Sarah Barnett is our Student’s Minister (part time). She is studying a Masters at Ridley College (online), and is involved with supporting SALT Youth and Vine Youth.
We are committed to doing everything we can to ensure the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of all who participate in our activities. The NSW Child Safe Standards, in addition the national and diocesan Anglican guidelines, shape our Child Safe policy and practise.
Each of these requires serious preparation, which we can guide you through. Contact our staff via phone or email.
Many members lead groups for adults, youth and children. Our leadership also includes annually elected Wardens (who administer money and buildings) and Parish Councillors (who help set church direction and policy).
Our staff team supports our members and leaders.
Our church supports the work of Anglicare Opens in new window and Christian Community Aid Eastwood Opens in new window (CCA), who offer a range of support services including counselling and emergency relief.
We encourage everyone to contribute to them financially. In July, we collect food for CCA and in November we support Toys’N’Tucker Opens in new window for Anglicare.